Terms & Conditions

We accept secure payments via credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal.

You will always receive an email reminder before your subscription expires, so you can pay for the renewal should you wish to renew it.

We will provide you an M3U link and Xtream Account credentials for any device you will choose, except for MAG Box or STB. For MAG Box or STB, we will activate your MAC address and provide you a Portal URL.

If you select an M3U link or Xtream Account, you can use the subscription on multiple devices (not simultaneously). However, if you select a MAC address activation, the M3U link or Xtream Account cannot be generated, so you won't be able to use the same subscription on other devices.

You can only use the subscription on one device at a time, or else our system will detect multiple connections and will automatically ban the subscription. If you would like to have a multiple connection subscription, please contact us from the Contact Us page.

No refunds will be given if your subscription is banned due to simultaneous connections.